Knowledge and Skills image

How to build a business from your skills, domain knowledge and life experience?

This blogpost discusses ‘how do you build a business when what you are selling is your skills, domain knowledge and expertise’. This is an important question for Ireland Inc, which has for many years been reliant on the Services sector as evidenced by a CSO report which found (page 22) that new service enterprises accounted…

Lean Startup Buzzwords

Drop the ‘Lean Startup’ buzzwords please. Promoters, show me the results!

I am proud to be an advocate of the Lean Startup movement. I have worked with lots of startups to firstly explain the principles and secondly to use the tools. Why – because when I read The Lean Startup, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, particularly Running Lean and most recently The Lean Entrepreneur, the…

Limerick City Enterprise Board Student Enterprise Competition is a great initiative

I am looking forward to attending Villiers School on the North Circular Road, Limerick this Thursday to meet the students for their market day as part of the 2013 Student Enterprise Competition organised by Limerick City Enterprise Board. I was delighted to be asked to be a member of the Limerick City judging panel along…