Knowledge and Skills image

How to build a business from your skills, domain knowledge and life experience?

This blogpost discusses ‘how do you build a business when what you are selling is your skills, domain knowledge and expertise’. This is an important question for Ireland Inc, which has for many years been reliant on the Services sector as evidenced by a CSO report which found (page 22) that new service enterprises accounted…

Alan Sugar book - what you see is what you get

Alan Sugar and the success of Sky TV

Chapter 12 of ‘What You See Is What You Get: My Autobiography’ by Alan Sugar (2010) is fascinating. It tells how Amstrad reinvented itself by helping Rupert Murdoch to launch Sky. I love stories. This particular story is fascinating as it shows superb lateral thinking by Alan Sugar and his team. Around 1988, satellite dishes and receivers were on the market for approximately £5,000. In June of that year, Alan Sugar agreed that Amstrad would develop satellite receiving equipment which would sell in the shops for £199.