The Lean Startup @GMIT Programme
I designed and delivered – The Lean Startup @ GMIT – a graduate entrepreneurship and management development programme between November 2012 and March 2013 offered by GMIT’s Innovation in Business Centres (IiBC) in Galway and Castlebar.
The programme set out to work with graduates and the centre’s virtual incubation clients to grow their businesses by focusing on validating that a market exists for their proposed technology-based product or service and creating a roadmap for the business for the next 12 months.
This embedded Slideshare presentation details the programme.
Participants + Results
Three of the participants in the first cohort (pictured below) were later awarded places on New Frontiers Phase 2 in GMIT. Anne Walsh, Allergy Lifestyle secured CSF and HPSU funding from Enterprise Ireland matched by Barry O’Sullivan via Dragons Den (February 2016).

I really enjoyed designing and delivering this programme for GMIT – and would be delighted to get involved with other Student Enterprise Initiatives …. all the content was added to my Google Site so that it was available to participants.
The short programme was repeated 2 years later with another cohort. Participants included Michael Dyer of Clean Cut Meals.