An expert Trainer for New Frontiers programmes both Phase 1 and 2 across the country. I deliver workshops and integrated modules on Business Planning, Marketing and Market Validation, Sales/Negotiations, plus Financial Projections and Pitching.

New Frontiers is Enterprise Ireland’s national entrepreneur programme for growth oriented, early stage startups. Linked with incubation centres across 3rd level campuses, many with new names since 2022 and 2023, New Frontiers is delivered in 18 locations to include MTU Tralee, ATU Galway & Castlebar, ATU Sligo & Letterkenny, and SETU Carlow and SETU Waterford. I am very familiar with New Frontiers since its launch in 2012. I had managed a predecessor programme called LEAP along with Programme Manager Graham Royce, in my role as Enterprise Acceleration Centre Manager in LIT.
New Frontiers is part of Enterprise Ireland’s suite of supports designed to assist businesses to evolve as HPSUs – it includes a €15,000 tax free grant referred to as a stipend in Phase 2 with a further €7,500 in Phase 3. Apply directly to your 3rd level and location of choice – contact details on EI New Frontiers website.
A New Frontiers Trainer & Mentor

Since 2012, I have delivered workshops for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of New Frontiers in a number of locations (7): ATU – Galway and Castlebar; ATU Sligo and Letterkenny; DKIT and DCU; MTU Tralee; TU Dublin Blanchardstown; SETU Carlow and SETU Waterford.
In 2018, the entire Phase 1 progamme was delivered in Letterkenny for IT Sligo with another superb trainer, Jenni Timony from Donegal.
My main areas of New Frontiers delivery are:
• Market Validation
• Lean Startup Marketing
• Negotiation
• Lean Startup to include Lean Canvas
• Business Model Generation
• Sales
• Preparing an Investor Ready Business Plan
• One to one Business Plan Reviews
Focus on deliverables
â–º Sales Process & Pitch
From 2019 to 2023, I have delivered Sales Management training in Waterford. This includes two deliverables. The first, Sales Process & Cycle, assists promoters to gain a a clear understanding of both the Sales Cycle and Sales Process – to include presenting the timelines involved.
Deliverable #.2 is to Create and present a Sample Sales Pitch
- Name the customer, the need to be addressed, value of contract at outset –
- Make 3-4 minute Pitch (option to use 2-3 slides)
â–º Market Validation
In 2018, I delivered the market validation module in Waterford which comprised a workshop, completion of a deliverable by each participant business, and a follow up with one to one session on site. I have also provided this market validation deliverable for DKIT for several years.
â–ºBusiness Plan ReviewÂ
In each of the 6 years 2018 – 2023, I delivered the business plan preparation module in Tralee which comprised a workshop, completion of a deliverable (writing an investor-ready business plan) by each participant team, and a follow up with one to one session on site. I also deliver this service in both SETU Carlow and ATU Sligo since 2021.
â–ºBusiness Plan & Financial Projections Module
Over the six years from 2013 to 2018, I delivered the business plan and financial projection development module in Sligo and Letterkenny. This detailed work programme included group and one to one training to assist participants to develop an investor ready business plan and robust financial projections for their business. The Business Planning module involves group training and 1:2:1 follow up on market validation, financial projection preparation, business plan document preparation and review.
â–ºInvestment Deck & Pitch
Since 2021, I have delivered training and One to Ones in ATU Sligo on pitching for investment and grants.
New Frontiers Phase 2 Application Form – Online Training Programme

A New Frontiers Blogger
â–º This article, on this website, first published in 2013 has been updated for SEO purposes : What Enterprise Ireland are looking for in a New Frontiers Application

â–º 2014 published on New Frontiers Blog: How to craft your Value Proposition – a tool and a formula
â–º 2015 published on New Frontiers Blog: Goals & Milestones for Growth Focused Businesses
â–º 2018,the New Frontiers blog featured an article titled, ‘A Crowdfunding Conversation wtih Crua Outdoors’ which included a YouTube video (40 minutes).
I am happy to submit tender documents as part of the procurement process for this training. Contact me at donncha(at) to initiate a discussion