Welcome to Donncha's FAQ page!
I often suggest to Small Business Owners and startup promoters that it is as important to know what you do as what you don't do. After many years in business, I think I have figured out the best way for me to offer my services - for the optimal benefit of everyone involved. Here are some general answers to some frequently asked questions:
Donncha Hughes
I offer management support, in the form of training, consultancy and mentoring, which enhances the ability of start-up promoters and owner managers of SMEs to successfully plan and manage their businesses to achieve superior results. For more see my Client Services page - here is a short video
Yes. I am a mentor with EI and with LEO Galway, LEO Roscommon and LEO Mayo. Please note that process is to apply to EI or your local enterprise office to request mentoring. A representative will be in contact to discuss your request and assign a mentor from their panel. [The application and who you are assigned to has nothing to do with me as the mentor - all the mentors are very good]
Yes. I am a member of the Galway panel of A member of BIZMENTORS a structured mentor programme offering Pro Bono Access to Business Expertise and Wisdom. The programme is active in Galway for several years . Assignments are for 3 one hour mentor sessions. Mentors are not paid, and mentees (person receiving the mentoring) are not charged. I am a member of the Advisory Board - a superb initiative. Check out the Bizmentors website and apply to join as a mentor or to apply to avail of mentoring.
Yes, please check out my Mentoring page which explains how you can book and pay to meet me (in person or online) for mentoring.
I generally suggest that clients look firstly at securing a mentor from an Enterprise Agency or via Bizmentors or similar initiatives such as the Small Business Advice programme.
Business Plans
Yes - this is consultancy. But this process takes a significant amount of time. It is also somewhat expensive. As such I only write a few plans a year on behalf of clients. These are generally for startup promoters applying for investor funding or significant bank finance. Please contact me for details of fee involved. I would also suggest that you download this case study to understand the process involved.
Yes - this is consultancy. You may need a business plan as part of a Grant application for LEO or to avail of the Short Term Enterprise Allowance. I think that business promoters should in general prepare their own business plan in such instances. I can provide guidance on how to prepare your own plan - check out my online training on how to write a Superb Business Plan - or attend one of the workshops that I deliver on behalf of your local LEO.
I can also review your plan when it is drafted. If you send me a pdf by email, I will send you feedback using my Business Plan review template. It will look at the key areas of your business plan - check how my Slideshare entitled 'Business Plans in a Nutshell'. Please contact me for details of fee involved.
Tenders & Public Procurement
Yes. However, I am conscious of the time and effort (and the fees that I have to charge) for writing tender document responses on behalf of clients. As such, I normally ask clients to collate as much information as possible for a live tender of their choice. I will then use that information to prepare a response which is signed off by the client. The aim of the process is to upskill an internal person who can then adapt this document for future tenders. A key skill is for senior management to be able to decide if they should respond to particular tenders. Please contact me for details of fee involved.
Yes. This is what I would consider 'my normal tender service'. I provide guidance to senior manager (the founder) on how to pick the tenders to spend time on (high likelihood of winning). I then work to review draft to evaluate and improve responses based on the stated criteria. Please contact me for details of fee involved.
Also check out my FREE video based online training programme 'Introduction to Tendering for Small Business: How to Win a Public Procurement Contract in Ireland' - very popular course [1 hour].
Grant/Funding & Bank Loan Applications + Pitches
No. I could but generally I recommend that the client prepares the grant preparation - they are very manageable once you take your time. This is to minimise client costs. But more importantly, the client will have to draw down the funds so needs an in-depth appreciation of what is included. I would always recommend that a microenterprise or startup would apply for mentoring for guidance when completing a grant application. The mentor can discuss and provide guidance on the strategy put forward in the grant application - to include business model, route to market, market validation and internationalisation.
Yes, I assist with Bank loan applications. The first key task is to create financial projections showing loan repayment capacity. The application can also be completed perhaps accompanied by a business plan or slide deck. For instance Microfinance Ireland (MFI) require a specific business plan/application template. The Credit history of the founder and business is very important in this process.
Yes. I have prepared 3 HPSU applications. 2 were successful. I have also engaged with numerous clients to provide feedback on their HPSU applications. In either case, I work with senior management to devise the best answers. It is important that there is good communication with Enterprise Ireland personnel during the process. Feel free to ring me for a chat to discuss methodology and fees involved. Please note that while I prepare financial projections, the client must retain their accountant to complete the FDS (Enterprise Ireland Financial Data Sheet). They have access to historical financial and shareholding information which needs to be included.
Yes. I believe that the startup founder /team needs to write their own application. It is a good learning process. And they will need to present a pitch based on the application as part of the investment process. I am happy to provide feedback on the application at draft stage. Please request a quote for this work.
For startup promoters who I know (from training or networking), I am happy to provide some unofficial but specific feedback on applications. No charge will apply. Simply send me an email and attach draft application which can be saved as a pdf within the EI system. Time permitting.
Yes. Please contact me regarding fees that apply. Please note that there is no guarantee of success. Pre Seed Fund is a highly competitive process. I have helped many startups who have secured CSF and PSSF. I generally provide 10 hours consultancy to assist with Pitch and Slidedeck preparation, practice and review - and prepping for the Q&A - spread over about a week.
Yes, I have a strong interest in crowdfunding and would be happy to discuss how I can help.
Feasibility Studies
I have done several feasibility studies over the years. But (see next Q) I prefer to work closely with clients on aspects of the feasibility and provide hands on assistance to ensure that a solid feasibility study is undertaken. In my page on Feasibility studies, I explain that there are 4 elements to every feasibility. These are Technical, Commercial, Financial and Team. The promoter will manage the technical feasibility. I will assist with opportunity identification and market assessment as part of the market validation which addresses Commercial and Financial Feasibility. This includes secondary research and preparation of primary market research instruments such as surveys and structured interview guides for customer development meetings. So it is a question of ownership - the founder needs to retain responsibility for the overall feasibility as opposed to outsource to a consultant who produces a Report.
Yes. I specialise in writing both feasibility reports and business plans, when I have been involved in the feasibility process.
More on Services + Pricing
No. I don't deliver Public Training Programmes, i.e. workshops where you book directly with me to attend. I delivered a half day on Negotiations in SuperPixel Labs, Galway in May 2016. But that was an exception.
I am too busy delivering training as part of enterprise development programmes manged by LEO and the Technological Universities. Clients include New Frontiers in DKIT, ATU Sligo & Letterkenny, ATU Galway and Castlebar, SETU Waterford and SETU Carlow. I have also delivered sessions for UL, University of Galway and DCU.
I am open to all requests - Contact form here.
And dont forget to check my on demand video based online training website - 9 courses as of December 2024.
I can. I used to deliver for several years a three day programme on behalf of LEO Galway on WordPress - the best way to learn how to create and keep your own website up to date. For more see my other website startupwebtraining.com
Yes. I think that Zoom is a fantastic solution for delivering online training - the polls and breakout rooms are super features. MS Teams is also grand for online meetings and I have also used Google Meet on occasion.
Correct, my prices are not fixed as I provide a tailored service. But I will give a ballpark figure fairly quickly if requested. To my mind it is more important to understand the brief. VAT is charged at 23% in Ireland. I request that clients pay my invoices immediately when submitted. I don't generally ask for advance payments. I will seek a Purchase Order in good time and comply with all relevant procurement requirements.
Correct. I registered as a sole trainer in 2010 and see no reason to change that status. I even wrote an eBook on Self Employment in Ireland in 2017 which is updated on my website.
Yes, I renew Professional Indemnity Insurance every year courtesy of broker O'Malley Griffin Insurance in Limerick (now part of ARACHAS). I also have Pubic Liability insurance which is required for some tenders. I don't have any employees so no need for Employers Liability.
Based in Galway - provide services all over Ireland
I hope that these FAQs were helpful - the answers outline a general approach but feel free to contact me to discuss your specific situation.