Negotiations by Donncha Hughes

Donncha provides two hour, half day and full day Negotiations Workshops. Please contact to discuss your requirements.

I was recently asked by Maria Johnston, Operations & Enterprise Development Manager, DCU Invent Centre to deliver a two hour session on Negotiations at 10AM on Tuesday 10th November, 2015 for clients and startups. This post details what I sent by way of Bio and Agenda:

Issue Resolution Continuum by Donncha Hughes

My Bio

Donncha Hughes specialises in working with technology-oriented and professional service SMEs and startups as a trainer, mentor and consultant. Self-employed for the last 5 years, Donncha has over 15 years of business management experience working in the public and private sector. My area of expertise includes Marketing, Events, Online Marketing and Sales and Tenders, and now I work with startups on all areas of their business to include: business models; business plans and grant applications; financial projections and goal setting. A trainer with New Frontiers in DCU/DKIT; LyIT and IT Sligo; and GMIT, Donncha is a member of Enterprise Ireland’s external evaluation panel for the Competitive Start Fund. He is an active blogger to include guest posts for Inspired Startups, New Frontiers and Tweak Your Biz.

What I will cover on the day:

Negotiation Skills: Understanding the Dynamics of Negotiation

People negotiate every single day – with colleagues, with managers, with suppliers, with clients, and with members of other teams (and at home). The ability to bring about good outcomes is critical to the effectiveness of people from a short and long term perspective.

This two hour workshop provides an overview of Negotiation Theory and Practice relating to Skills, Styles and Approaches. Do you find that you are uncomfortable with negotiation and give in quickly to requests and suggestions though you are not entirely happy with what has been agreed; or do you simply view negotiation as a potential source of conflict and avoid it; or do you know ‘other’ people believe that negotiation is a win-lose interaction and, without realising, create a trail of damaged relationships. Why? Because, most people don’t study, think about or learn how to negotiate and the default or traditional style of positional bargaining may not work in every situation.

Tweak Your Biz Negotiation article by Donncha Hughes

This workshop will specifically address:

– Definition of Negotiation
– Test of a Successful Negotiation
– Positional Bargaining
– Dealing with Hardball Tactics
– Principled or Mutual Gain Negotiation
– BATNA = Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement
– Four negotiation scenarios
– Negotiation Styles
– Ten Tips for Successful Negotiation

The workshop will address the importance of:  active listening, understanding the interests of all parties, presenting ideas in a persuasive way; anticipating and handling resistance; and ultimately, focusing on problem solving to create sustainable agreements.

Please note that this post is for information purposes only. Please contact DCU Invent directly regarding attendance.

Finally there are two links to Dilbert Comic Strips in relation to negotiation that are well worth a quick look:  on Contracts on Sales.

Donncha provides two hour, half day and full day Negotiations Workshops. He has delivered full-day Negotiation workshops for the New Frontiers programme in both WIT and DKIT. Please contact to discuss your requirements.

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