Grants and Supports for Business

What ‘grants’ and other supports apply to my startup business in 2024?

If you have ever wondered what supports that you and your startup business could and should apply for, read on:

This blogpost and the accompanying presentation will categorise the supports depending on the stage of development of your startup company: pre-enterprise; early stage; and established startup

ATU Galway New Frontiers Enterprise Ireland

Organise ATU Galway New Frontiers One 2 Ones with Phase 1 Participants

As part of the New Frontiers Phase 1 programme in ATU iHubs Galway and Mayo (formerly GMIT), Donncha Hughes, an independent business advisor will meet participants in person for a One 2 One session to review their draft applications prior to the final Phase 2 application submission deadline of July 24th, 2024 (12 Noon). New…

Banner for New Frontiers Blogpost 2

What Enterprise Ireland are looking for in a New Frontiers Phase 2 Application in 2023?

Are you participating on one of the Enterprise Ireland New Frontiers Phase 1 programmes being delivered by the Incubation Centres in the Technological Universities in Ireland? If yes, you may have started completing your Phase 2 application form (download pdf) As a trainer over the years on the programmes in SETU Waterford and Carlow, ATU…

Donncha Hughes New Frontiers

Crafting your Value Proposition : EI New Frontiers Blogpost

I was delighted to be selected as one of the first contributors to new Enterprise Ireland New Frontiers blog – the post addressed ‘how to craft your value proposition‘.   New Frontiers is Ireland’s national entrepreneur development programme, delivered at a local level by Institutes of Technology and funded by Enterprise Ireland. I am delighted…

Lean Startup Buzzwords

Drop the ‘Lean Startup’ buzzwords please. Promoters, show me the results!

I am proud to be an advocate of the Lean Startup movement. I have worked with lots of startups to firstly explain the principles and secondly to use the tools. Why – because when I read The Lean Startup, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, particularly Running Lean and most recently The Lean Entrepreneur, the…