Grants and Supports for Business

What ‘grants’ and other supports apply to my startup business in 2024?

If you have ever wondered what supports that you and your startup business could and should apply for, read on:

This blogpost and the accompanying presentation will categorise the supports depending on the stage of development of your startup company: pre-enterprise; early stage; and established startup

Ten things we probably knew and were reminded of during Startup Gathering Galway 2015

Ten things we probably knew and were reminded of during Startup Gathering Galway 2015

Last Friday (9th October 2015) was spent meeting new business acquaintances and talking to almost every startup promoter and supporter that I know in Galway. I attended 6 events throughout the entire day from 8AM till 9PM. Here are ten things (as recorded on Twitter) that I probably knew already but was reminded of:  …

Marketing Book Reviews Blog by Donncha Hughes

[Book Review Part 2] Recommended Startup Marketing Books for Fast Growth Businesses

This is the second part of a two part blogpost about books directly focused on Marketing for fast growth oriented startups. My most recent post reviewed the superb ‘Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers’ by Gabrial Weinberg and Justin Mares, 2014 and this post will review Startup Growth Engines: Case Studies on How Today’s…

Medistori Crowdfunding campaign

Please support MediStori’s Crowdfunding Campaign

Today, I made a modest financial contribution as part of a Crowdfunding campaign to MediStori and I would ask everyone who reads this to seriously consider supporting this campaign – by making a contribution directly or telling someone else who would benefit from the product. The promoter is looking to raise €50,000 in the next…